Hochsensible Riesen – Giants

Hallo zusammen,

diese Woche habe ich ein wunderbares Video gefunden, was auf sehr kreative Art und Weise erklärt was es heißt, hochsensibel zu sein. Ist leider nur auf englisch verfügbar – aber gaaanz toll gemacht! Es ist wunderbar und sehr angenehm gesprochen – von daher versteht man sehr viel, auch wenn eure Englischkenntnisse nicht ganz so gut sein sollten. Die Bilder sind auch faszinierend.

Viel Spaß beim Anschauen: Numinous + Voluminous

Liebe Grüße und euch allen einen schönen Sonntag,

4 Gedanken zu „Hochsensible Riesen – Giants

  1. Ally

    I watched this video a couple of weeks ago and was really amazed by how well it portrayed the feelings of one who is introverted and highly sensitive. I think its something that everyone should watch 🙂

    Gefällt 1 Person

    1. Highly Sensitive Person (High Sensation Seeker) Autor

      Hello Ally,

      thanks for your likes and comments 🙂

      Oh yes, I was also amazed about the video – it is a feeling like being at home 🙂

      It also describes the feelings of extroverted HSPs as I am… At least I can identify with it as well. I think the need behind your wish that everyone should watch it is that everybody should understand that there are highly-sensitive people among us and they have their needs which are slightly different to normal-sensitive people and that they should be respected as well…
      I am not quite sure whether normal-sensitive people understand high-sensitivity when they watch this creative movie. Again, I am not quite sure… It even could be that normal-sensitive people would be bored after 5 minutes watching. I don’t know – I should show the movie to one of my non-HSP friends and see how the reaction is 😉

      Also my wish is that both – HSPs and non-HSPs find a way on living together with respecting the needs of the other without giving the other side the feeling that they behave strangely or out of the normal range.

      So, dear Ally, take care and hear from you soon,

      Gefällt 1 Person

      1. Ally

        You’re very welcome, I find myself agreeing with a lot of your posts and I really enjoy reading your blog.

        Watching that video also made me feel very at home. It was as if someone perfectly described how I feel, without me having to explain it. I’m also curious as to how people who are not highly sensitive would view the movie. It probably depends on the person.

        I would love for non-HSPs to understand that HSPs process things differently and that there is a reason we do things a certain way, even if they don’t totally understand. I also hope for a time when everyone can co-exist and be accepting of each other, regardless of personality or characteristics.

        Thank you for your comments and I hope you enjoy the rest of your week!

        Gefällt 1 Person


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